Looking for the average rental price in the Netherlands? Find out for yourself with our interactive rental price map!


Want to know exactly what the average rents are in your neighborhood? Or are you looking for rental prices for different house sizes, such as a studio, apartment or family home? Woonmelder's interactive rental price map gives you instant insight into current rental prices throughout the Netherlands. That way you'll immediately know where to find the best deals!

Our rents map not only provides average rents by area, but also lets you easily compare rents per square foot. This allows you to see at a glance what the average prices are for various house sizes. Whether you're looking for a compact studio or a spacious family home, our tool gives you a quick and clear overview of the rental market in your favorite neighborhood.

How does Woonmelder's rent map work?

  • Select your target area: Use the map below and place the magnifying glass on the area you are interested in.
  • Analyze rentals: Click the "Search & Analyze" button and instantly view a detailed summary of your chosen area. You will see the number of properties on which the calculation is based, the average rents, and the prices per square meter.
  • Find your ideal rental property: Now that you know exactly what the rental rates are in your desired neighborhood, you can immediately start looking for a rental property that fits your budget. At Woonmelder , we are happy to help you find the perfect home quickly and easily.

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Use our interactive tool today and discover how easy it is to calculate rents, compare and find the best deals with Woonmelder!

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