Rental prices in Haarlem

Haarlem is a popular retreat for Amsterdamers seeking a quieter but vibrant city. Known for its historic architecture, cozy atmosphere and proximity to the sea and Amsterdam. In this article, we take a look at rental prices in Haarlem.

How do we get this data?

The data in this article comes directly from Woonmelder's database. We help customers find rental housing quickly. We do this by searching hundreds of housing websites every minute for new matches for our customers. As a result, we have already included hundreds of thousands of rental properties in our database that have appeared on the Dutch rental market in recent years. In this article we will analyze these for you, specifically for Haarlem.

The Haarlem rental market in figures

On average, rents in are around €1959 per month. For this price, you can on average 85 square meters of living space expect. This leads to an average square meter price of €23 / m².

It is important to emphasize that these averages may vary depending on location within the city, the condition of the apartment, and the amenities available. For example, there are neighborhoods where you get more value for your money, while in the city center you may find less space for the same price.

Let's take a look at these charts and tables to get a better idea of prices in .

This data comes directly from all the homes that Woonmelder constantly scans on the internet. We show the data from homes that have been on the market in the past six months appeared.

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Price overview per m²

m² Range Average price Lowest price Highest price
<40 €945 €250 €1995
40-60 €1324 €623 €2250
60-80 €1777 €879 €2950
80-100 €1995 €724 €3500
100-120 €2246 €840 €3245

Average Prices per Square Meters

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Rents in other Dutch cities

As you can see, finding a rental property in Haarlem can be fairly pricey.

To put this into perspective, for convenience we are going to compare this with other Dutch cities. We will compare the rent of a rental house with an area of 80m2:

  • Amsterdam: €2238
  • Leiden: €1547
  • Nijmegen €1291
  • Rotterdam €1680
  • The Hague €1560
  • Utrecht €1661
  • Groningen €1274
  • Eindhoven €1400